viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

International Spanish Dance Certificate

The International Spanish Dance Certificate is born from the vast performing and teaching experience of the PRGArts funders.
Spanish Dance has been spread around the world by several generations of artists. Flamenco is probably the most well-known style but Spanish Dance incorporates many other styles such as Classic Spanish and the Bolero School, which are the oldest styles but also less known.
PRGArts  have created personalised methodologies for schools in several countries, based on the national and international experience of its funders. They had acknowleged that each school has different needs even if they all share an interest in Spanish Dance.
The aim of the International Spanish Dance Certificate is to offer affordable Spanish Dance studios which allows students to progress to the level desired.
The International Spanish Dance Certificate offers Exams at several levels, Study courses, Dance workshops for both teachers and students and Quality teaching material for teachers.
The International Spanish Dance Certificate is different from other methods in the sense that it has been specifically created for the international community and incorporates the individual needs and traditions of each country that adopts it.
This is an innovative methodology which uses en-trend music and it offers students across the world not only an affordable course but a modern approach to learning Spanish Dance.

International Spanish Dance Certificate

International Spanish Dance Certificate es una iniciativa basada en la experiencia docente e interpretativa de las creadoras de PRGArts.

Varias generaciones de artistas han fomentado la Danza Española en el mundo, desde su vertiente más popular como el Flamenco, pasando por el Clásico Español y la Escuela Bolera, que representa la danza mas antigua pero también la más desconocida entre los estilos pertenecientes a la Danza Española.

PRGArts reúne la experiencia en el ámbito nacional e internacional de sus fundadoras, para elaborar una metodología adaptada a las necesidades específicas de los centros docentes de los distintos países, que si bien comparten el apreció e interés por la Danza Española, plantean necesidades peculiares en cada caso.

Los cursos de International Spanish Dance Certificate proponen un plan de estudios asequible para cualquier persona que desee acercarse al estudio de la Danza Española permitiendo el avance en la formación del alumno hasta el nivel deseado.

El International Spanish Dance Certificate contempla exámenes de varios niveles, cursos de formación y talleres de danza orientados tanto a los alumnos como a profesores, así como el material didáctico necesario para los docentes.

A diferencia de otros métodos ya existentes, International Spanish Dance Certificate surge como un plan de estudios a nivel internacional, creado y elaborado para tener en consideración las tradiciones y peculiaridades de los países a los que va dirigido.

El enfoque innovador y el uso de músicas actuales, es garantía de poder ofrecer a los alumnos, estudios modernos y asequibles, basados en una de las danzas con mas proyección internacional.

International PRG Arts - English


Paloma Gómez and Rosemary Cocchiglia have both dedicated a lifetime to dance and have had very successful careers as dancers and choreographers. They decided that they wanted to share their vast knowlege and together they funded PRGArts.

They have both had a different profesional career but what brought them together was their love of Spanish Dance as well as their extensive teaching experience. They have seen many countries fall for Spanish Dance and identified many students in need of a quality and viable method  which would allow them to progress to higher levels.

International PRG Arts


Paloma Gómez y Rosemary Cocchiglia son dos profesionales que han dedicado su vida al mundo de la danza. Los años de trabajo como bailarinas en los escenarios,  su extensa trayectoria como coreógrafas y su pasión por compartir los conocimientos adquiridos en ambas experiencias les lleva a tomar la decisión de fundar PRGArts.

Sus carreras profesionales son muy diferentes, pero comparten un aspecto fundamental, el amor por la Danza Española. Su dilatada experiencia docente, las lleva a pensar que es necesario ofrecer una alternativa viable a los numerosos alumnos que surgen en países que han aprendido a valorar la Danza Española y desean profundizar en su conocimiento.

Paloma Gomez - English

Paloma Gómez

She is a renowned artist who started dancing at a very tender age and has dedicated her life to the study and performance of Spanish Dance. She was very young when she joined the Spanish National Ballet (Ballet Nacional Español – BNE).

She is an entrepreneur and choreographer who has been invited to perform at some of the world’s finest stages whether alone or to present her productions. Her choreographies have been performed by dancers in the five continents for high-profile shows.

She has juggled performance and teaching for many years now and has taught many Master Classes and Workshops around the world. She has become well known for her innovative style whilst respecting the all important traditions of Spanish Dance.

Paloma Gomez

Paloma Gómez

Artista Mundialmente reconocida. Desde la más temprana infancia, dedica su vida al estudio e interpretación de la Danza Española. Muy joven entra a formar parte del BNE.

Empresaria y Coreógrafa sube a los mejores escenarios del mundo tanto en solitario, como con sus producciones de Danza Española y Flamenco. Sus coreografías han sido interpretadas por bailarines de los cinco continentes en galas y espectáculos de reconocido prestigio.

Hace años que simultanea su carrera como intérprete con la de docente, impartiendo Talleres y Master Class en todo el mundo. Su estilo innovador y el respeto por las tradiciones, la hace uno de los referentes más actuales de la Danza Española y el Flamenco.

Rosemary Cocchiglia - English

Rosemary Cocchiglia
She is of Italian origin and has dedicated her life to the study and performance of several dance styles. She created the Gambini Dance Studio in Spain which has been training many generations of dancers since 1987. Gambini offers students the most forward teaching techniques which have been evolving with times and adapting to current trends.

Rosemary Cocchiglia has produced and choreographed many Spanish Dance productions. She has produced numerous shows for both children and adult audiences under the name of Ballet Gambini. Today she runs Gambini Productions, an artistic company that incorporates modern styles such as Hip Hop and Break Dance to the productions whilst mantaining the essence of Spanish Dance and dance itself.